Geomagnetic pulsations - ULF waves

Focus on Ultra Low Frequencies (ULF), including geomagnetic pulsations slightly higher or lower than 1 Hz.

These are in the brainwave range, exert a significant influence on the nervous system and specifically the autonomous nervous system, and can be used for electromagnetic detection (sounding) including underground/underwater globally. 


If we observe the needle of a compass under a stereoscope, we will notice that it pulsates or oscillates (Figure 1 from this reference). This movement reflects the oscillations of the geomagnetic field, called "geomagnetic pulsations", which are in the range of 1 mHz to 5 Hz. In magnetospheric science, these are called Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) waves. In order to avoid confusion with the ITU-UN definition of ULF waves, the synonymous term "Tremendously Low Frequency" (TLF) waves has been suggested. These may also be thought as Extra-Extremely Low Frequency waves or subELF. They are distinguished in:

A reference table is provided at (University of Oulu cited)

Indicative categories of continuous pulsations are:

⏹ Pc1: 0.2-5 Hz (0.2-5 s), 

⏹ Pc2: 0.1-0.2 Hz (5-10 s)

These frequencies are constantly being measured by magnetometers in different stations globally. 

The British Geological Survey operates the three monitors mentioned further below as cited at the link

Each of those provide the magnetometer results for different stations in near-real time.

Each of these provide magnetometer results for different stations in near-real time. By clicking on the link and the corresponding monitor we may obtain magnetometer measurements updated every 10 minutes.

The measurement of these frequencies are of particular interest for HAARP projects. More details at the following reference:

As mentioned in this reference, Pc1 signals are created by ion-cyclotron radiation generated near the equatorial plane of the outer magnetosphere and are guided to the ionosphere by the magnetic lines. 

They are considered to represent the mirror image of the magnetohydrodynamic waves of the ionosphere on the ground. They are modelled with Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations.

The HAARP induction magnetometer data can be found here:

How they are generated:

It is noted that Alfvén Waves are like waves on a string. Field Line Resonances can be excited. Generation patterns in the toroidal space of the inner magnetosphere are provided.

Synchronization of Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms with Geomagnetic Activity

Featuring the following study:

McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Stolc, V., Alabdulgader, A., Vainoras, A., & Ragulskis, M. (2017). Synchronization of Human Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms with Geomagnetic Activity in Human Subjects. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7), 770.

A number of medical emergencies, in addition to signs such as fatigue and mood shifts, have been correlated with increased geomagnetic activity.

In this study, the authors examined the relationships between solar and geomagnetic activity on one side and heart rate variability (HRV) on the other. The latter represents an index of autonomic nervous system function. 

In general, the heart rate should be variable in order to be quickly reactive and adaptable in supporting our different systems which respond to changing conditions (such as mental effort, respiratory and digestive functions etc.). It must be noted that heart variability is distinct from arrhythmia, which has a specific medical definition. A low heart variability rate is indicative of a system that cannot respond to changing input and which appears as "frozen".

The researchers recruited 10 volunteers located across the state of California and measured the variability in their heart rate, called the HRV index, for thirty days, during which a magnetic storm occurred.

The figure shows on the left how individuals in different locations were synchronized. 

The authors also downloaded geomagnetic field data from NASA (it is noted that one of the authors is from NASA).

They also measured with three magnetometers (3D) in Boulder, California, the time-varying magnetic field in the range of 0.2 mHz–50 Hz and produced the TMFV index, as well as the Schumann resonance power (SRP) index (0.32–36 Hz).

The figure shows on the right the measures mentioned below. Which is best correlated? The answer is provided below. Figures 3 to 6 of the paper provide overlays.

solar wind speed: charged particles coming to the Earth and inducing magnetic storms

Kp index: geomagnetic index 

Ap index: geomagnetic index

sunspots: cool sun spots with intense magnetic loops

F10.7 index: Solar radio flux at 10.7 cm (2800 MHz) 

polar cap north (PC(N)): geomagnetic activity on North Polar Cap

TMFV: index referring to the time-varying magnetic field at 0.2 mHz–50 Hz

SRP: index referring to Schumann resonance power at 0.32–36 Hz

In conclusion, the following except is provided.

"Overall, this study suggests that daily autonomic nervous system activity not only responds to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity, but also can synchronize with the time-varying magnetic fields associated with geomagnetic field-line resonances and Schumann resonances. The major influence that impacts these resonances and the earth’s magnetic field are the sun and solar wind [72,75]. Overall, the TMFV measure had much higher correlations with the HRV variables than the Kp, Ap, or PC(N) measures."

Figure 1: Figure reproduced from the publication  "Synchronization of Human Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms with Geomagnetic Activity in Human Subjects"

Effect of ULF sferics on humans

Please note that many authors refer to ULF sferics which are distinct from sferics of the ELF/VLF range.

Panagopoulos, D. J., & Balmori, A. (2017). On the biophysical mechanism of sensing atmospheric discharges by living organisms. Science of the Total Environment, 599-600, 2026–2034.

ULF waves used for sounding